N2Africa Data-tools-refinement 08 2015

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ILRI-N2Africa: Awareness creation on Data Tools and Data Refinement Workshop 18-21 August 2015 Lalibela Auditorium, ILRI Campus, Addis Ababa


N2Africa is a large scale, science-based “research-in-development” project focused on putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers growing legume crops in Africa. Its vision of success is to build sustainable, long-term partnerships to enable smallholder farmers to benefit from symbiotic N2-fixation by grain legumes through effective production technologies (including improved seeds, inoculants and fertilizers) and market linkage in the legume value chains.

Continuous learning from dissemination and research activities is one of the defining aspects of N2Africa's R4D approach. The need for timely feedback from on-going activities requires an efficient system of data flow and data management. In addition, information and knowledge generated by N2Africa should be accessible to research and development professionals outside the project and to the public at large in a way that allows accountability and learning for the underlying data.

We collect many different types of data, and every type needs to be collected in its own specific way. We have already taken many steps to smoothen the data collection process. Data forms are simpler, there are accompanying guidelines and data collection on tablets will speed up data delivery. However, the variety of different data to be collected remains a challenge to those working in the field. The collected data in 2014 cropping season do not meet the expectation of N2Africa project vision. Most of the M&E data were not either collected or submitted from implementing partners. The agronomic data were organized in excel data entry sheets however the huge portion of the entered data have to be refined.

Objectives of the Workshop

The aims of this workshop are:

  • To provide a clear overview of all data tools in integration with digital tablet data collection for smooth data flows; and
  • To refine the 2014 data with implementing partners.

Expected Outputs

  • Data to be collected with respective data tools and guidelines will be clearly understood.
  • Refined M&E and agronomic data will be compiled.
  • Tablet data collection methodologies will be introduced & practiced.


Day 1 – Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Time Topic Presenter/Facilitator Rapporteur
08:30-09:00 Arrival and Registration Simret
09:00-09:05 Welcome speech
09:30-09:40 ILRI-N2Africa: Overview, Workshop Objectives & Expected outputs
( Presentation)
09:10-09:30 Program & participants introductions, norms and expectations Tamiru
09:30-10:00 Common Errors in Agronomic Data collected in 2014
( Presentation)
10:00-10:30 Coffee
10:30-12:30 Data refinement (Group work)
12:30 -01:30 Lunch
01:30-03:30 Data refinement (Group work)
03:30-03:45 Coffee
03:45-05:00 Data refinement (Group work)
Day 2 – Wednesday, 19 August 2015
09:00-10:00 Data refinement (Group work)
10:00-10:30 Coffee
10:30-12:30 Data refinement (Group work)
12:30 -01:30 Lunch
01:30-03:30 Data refinement (Group work)
03:30-03:45 Coffee
03:45-05:00 Data refinement (Group work)
Day 3 – Thursday, 20 August 2015
09:00-09:45 N2Africa Public-Private Partnership (PPPs) Models: Progresses
( Presentation)
Tamiru Birhan
09:45-10:30 N2Africa Data tools and their contents ( Presentation) Birhan Tamiru
10:30-11:00 Coffee
11:00-12:30 Hands on Data tools (practices) Tamiru/ Birhan
12:30 -01:30 Lunch
01:30-03:30 Hands on Data tools (practices) Tamiru/ Birhan
03:30-03:45 Coffee
03:45-05:00 Discussions on Data tools Endalkachew/Joost Birhan
Day 4 – Friday, 21 August 2015
09:00-10:00 Digital data collection using tablets ( Presentation) Joost Birhan
10:00-10:30 Coffee
10:30-12:30 Hand on Tablets Joost Birhan
12:30 -01:30 Lunch
01:30-03:30 Hand on Tablets Joost Birhan
03:30-03:45 Coffee
03:45-04:30 General Discussion

Workshop materials

ILRI-N2Africa: Overview, Workshop Objectives & Expected outputs ( Presentation) Common Errors in Agronomic Data collected in 2014 ( Presentation) N2Africa Public-Private Partnership (PPPs) Models: Progresses ( Presentation) Digital data collection using tablets ( Presentation)


ARARI [Amhara Region Agricultural Research Institute] Balegreen CPAR [Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief] EIAR [Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research] FCE [Facilitator for Change] HWU [Hawassa University] IFDC-2SCALE ILRI [International Livestock Research Institute] MBI [Menagesha Biotech] MfM [Menschen fur Menschen OARI [Oromia Agricultural Research Institute] SCS [Sodo Chatolic Secretariate] SNV-C4C World Vision WUR [Wageningen University]

Workshop Pictures

  • For more pictures please click here.


Picture1 ACDTDRW 18-21Aug2015.jpg

Picture2 ACDTDRW 18-21Aug2015.jpg

Picture3 ACDTDRW 18-21Aug2015.jpg